About Us

Our Story
In 1992, GlobeTax was founded to help investors and financial institutions benefit from withholding tax recovery processes.
For investors and financial institutions seeking to recover taxes through relief at source, quick refund, and standard reclaim processes, GlobeTax offers MIDAS®. In this capacity, GlobeTax procures documentation, monitors income, manages relief at source elections and files reclaim applications, ensuring that all possible entitlements are returned.
GlobeTax also processes claims for depositary banks, DTC Participants, issuers, and transfer agents through the firm’s ESP product. In this capacity, GlobeTax collects, validates, and transmits beneficial owner data and documentation along the custody chain to support withholding tax recovery.
GlobeTax Founded; Launch of Standard Reclaim Service
Addressing a market need for withholding tax recovery expertise, GlobeTax was founded and the firm’s standard reclaim service was launched
GlobeTax Launches Depositary Service
GlobeTax debuted the firm’s Depositary Services (now ESP) business, becoming the appointed tax claim processing agent for one of the four US Depositary Banks
GlobeTax Secures Contracts with All Depositary Banks
By 2006, GlobeTax had secured contracts with all four US Depositary Banks and spearheaded processes in France, Mexico, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan, Korea, Russia, the Philippines and more, increasing the number of participating markets from 6 to 25
GlobeTax Launches Relief at Source Offering
Recognizing the need for a scalable solution, GlobeTax launched an outsourced service (now called MIDAS®) to help DTCC Participants manage relief at source elections for ADRs held at DTCC
Our Team
Martin S. Foont
Jose Bisono
Alyson Del Guercio
Akiva Distenfeld
William DeFabbia
Jessenia Fermin
Frank Froio
Luis Gutierrez
Kareem Hayletts
Sharon Hirschhorn
Brett Lewis
Greggory Lewis
Len Lipton
Jessie Munger
Keith Picco
Julie Kelleher
Sarah Roberts
Brian Sapadin
Jonathan Sturman
Robert Weiss
Our open-door policy, focus on personal and professional development, and core value of “do the right thing” ensure all employees – from experienced professionals to recent college graduates – look forward to coming to work each day.